Friday, September 23, 2016

Pstychopaths, sociopathis, corporate/gpvernment types, paper-pushers, button-pressers, zombies and post-traumatic land mines are a great deal of the problem. Two thirds of the largest police union endorses Trump. Who the mother-fornicating hell endorses Trump at this stage? Racist, misogynistic, sociopathic trolls, End Times gun-humping fundamentalist freaks and snake-oil get-rich-quick prosperty gospel narcissists and Ayn Rand types. This frightens me, and I have pale skin. And I'm *very* aware of that when I see police around my neighborhood. They're paranoid, on edge or just doing their jobs with no sense of what's going on on the holistic level. The one-third probably sees it all and wonders how to address it without getting fired, set up, murdered or simply ignored as "brainwashed, excuse-making liberals".

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